For the trademark requested to be registered, our company carried out examination in terms of having the qualification of being a trademark and the same and similar trademarks. Then, the trademark application is made upon the approval by our clients. The trademark application made is examined by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in terms of form, having the qualification of being a trademark, and same or similar trademarks at the same degree of sameliness, within the framework of the Industrial Property Law.
Before an application is made for inscriptions that qualify as trademarks within the scope of the Industrial Property Law, a duly similarity research must be carried out by experts. Otherwise, the trademark application will be rejected due to a same or similar trademark at the same degree of sameliness.
A trademark may consist of any words including personal names, or any signs, shapes, colors, letters, numbers, sounds, and the shape of goods or their packaging, provided that it ensures that the goods or services of an enterprise are distinguishable from those of other enterprises and can be shown in the register in such a way as to enable a clear and precise understanding of the subject of the protection afforded to the trademark owner. Trademark creation is very important.
The protection period of trademarks is 10 years. Trademarks are renewed every 10 years, and the protection period continues for an indefinite period of time.
Geographical indication registration application can be made by real or legal persons who are the producers of the product subject to the geographical indication, as well as consumer associations and public institutions related to the subject and geographical region.
Click to see allThe examined patent certificate is valid for 20 years, and the unexamined patent certificate is valid for 7 years. On the other hand, the utility model certificate is valid for 10 years.
Click to see allRegistered trademark means a registered and protected trademark.
Click to see allThe registration protection of a registered trademark is valid within the borders of the country where all rights are registered.
Click to see allYou can contact us for all the details about the brand, industrial design, geographical indication, patent and utility model.